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Our Mission

It’s pretty simple. We’re here to build a movement that genuinely represents the people of Fairfax, not vested interests or a political party machine.

That means listening to the community about the issues, challenges and opportunities we care about, so we can actively build a great future for ourselves, our kids and generations to come.

Our goal is to inspire people to roll up our sleeves and get engaged in our democracy, and make our voices heard.

Why? Because Fairfax Matters.

Our core values

There are a lot of things that matter to us: courage, kindness, community, fun, gender equality, hope, humour and lazy Sunday surfs.

But when we had to really boil it down to the core values we wanted to embody and have guide this movement, we ultimately chose these four:

  1. Integrity: we are honest and transparent, sharing information and communicating with our communities. We walk our talk. 
  2. Positive politics: we promote active community participation to build democracy within our electorate. We focus on who and what we’re for, instead of tearing others down. 
  3. Community-focus: we take an inclusive and respectful approach, involving and listening to people living in communities across the Fairfax electorate. We don’t all have to be the same or agree on everything to contribute, matter and belong. 
  4. Climate leadership: we accept evidence-based climate science and promote sustainable development. We have what it takes to lead instead of lag, and make the Sunshine Coast Australia’s most innovative, sustainable region.